Are you starting a project...
Then look no further! Everything you should need can be found here, from forms to the handbook guidelines.

Architectural Modification Form
Easy as 1...2...3...
Complete the ARB Modification Form for each item: Click Here for the Form
Gather all required documents (per the handbook).
Send to HOA@ExeterHOA.com, send to the Property Manager, or complete electronically.
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions
Attic ventilators.....................
Barbecue grills......................
Decks and finishes................
Decorative objects................
Dog houses.............................
Exhaust ducts........................
Gutters and downspouts.....
Insect traps.............................
Exterior changes...................
Paint colors ............................
Privacy screens......................
Rain barrels.............................
Recreational equipment......
Solar Cells................................
Storage sheds.........................
Swimming pools....................
Trash cans................................
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Does my project require an Architectural Modification Application?
Most projects that do not change the style, color, material, or structure should not require an application. It is always advisable to check to ensure before starting your project. Items such as replacing a fence or deck with the same exact items do not require an application. Items such as replacing a roof do require a form.
Why require an application if my style and color doesn't change?
Given the age of these homes, paint colors, roof colors, and other architectural styled materials may not be available and may not match the pre-existing material's colors and styles. Most times when the change is minor, the application will be approved.
When are applications reviewed, submitted, and approved?
The Architectural Review Board is the governing body of volunteers that reviews and approves Architectural Modification Applications. They meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. virtually, unless otherwise noted. Applications should be in by the Monday before each meeting to be considered for that month. Once a decision is reached, the Property Manager will send a notice to the homeowner within a week.
Why does the Homeowners Association govern changes to my home?
The core requirement of any Homeowners Association is to preserve the value of homes for the community. Many communities can be irrevocably harmed by a bad decision when their neighbor decides to paint their house pitch black form top to bottom! And that causes an actual loss in dollars when the home is sold or equity is taken out. For this reason, the Association sets forth practical, common-sense guidelines on maintaining neighborhood guidelines than keep home looking architecturally similar to the existing style of the neighborhood. But we aren't locked in, the Board of Directors and Architectural Review Board are constantly reviewing the guidelines and making adjustments to ensure the best building practices, current technology, and changing styles are reflected. At the end of the day, this is just about being a good neighbor!